The Best Tech and Science Podcasts

Podcasts have seen a surge in popularity over previous years. Whether you're a regular listener on your daily commute to work, or you're brand-new to the podcast world and simply need some recommendations, our list of the best tech and science podcasts has something for everyone.
Perfect for curious minds and technology fans, take a look at our favourite technology and science podcasts below. Available via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, as well of a range of other podcast streaming apps, these titles are easy to find and download.
Stuff You Should Know
Stuff You Should Know (or SYSK for short) is one of the most listened to podcasts in the world. It doesn't just focus purely on technology and science, but the large majority of episodes certainly do.
The podcast was launched way back in 2008, created by Josh Clark and Charles Bryant - two editors of the How Stuff Works website. Superbly researched and delivering all the facts in a digestible, easy-to-understand way, there's a reason there are now over 1,000 episodes to listen to. Episodes typically last between 45 minutes to just over an hour, and it's completely unscripted, with a hint of humour thrown in for good measure.
Episodes we love? Try How Optical Illusions Work and What's the Deal with ASMR? to start with.
TED Talks Daily
The first ever TED Talk was given in 1984, and today the world's most innovative and insightful speakers head to the stage to discuss just about anything. Every week, you can listen to a brand-new TED Talk in audio-format on your smartphone, tablet or any other device with TED Talks Daily.
Whatever kind of subject you're interested in, there's sure to be a TED Talk covering it - TED Talks Daily simply condenses the videos (which are available to watch for free online) into a more on-the-go format.
Recent podcasts we think science and tech fans will love include: 'Where did the Moon come from?' A new theory', 'How can we store digital data in DNA' and 'How we need to remake the internet'.
Chips With Everything
Created by The Guardian, Chips With Everything covers a huge range of topics relating to digital culture. Each bitesize episode typically lasts less than 30 minutes, making it the perfect podcast for the morning before work, or whenever you have a little spare time.
Jordan Erica Webber leads each episode, and plenty of special guests join her to discuss everything from smart cities and video games to what it takes to become a successful influencer. Running since late 2016, new episodes are released weekly.
Get started by listening to 'What we can expect from 5G', 'Can we trust AI lie detectors?', 'Can technology help dementia patients?' and 'Code of love: Romance in the digital age'.
Future Thinkers
If you're looking for a thought-provoking podcast, then Future Thinkers won't disappoint. Hosted by Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova, this is certainly a podcast you're going to want to sit down and really listen to, as the two hosts (often with special guests) discuss a huge range of topics in depth.
The subjects covered by Future Thinkers are often a bit heavier, and more philosophical, but you'll certainly come away with your mind racing. Top episodes include 'Technology and Spirituality', 'Meme Wars' and 'Collective Intelligence' and, weirdly, 'Would you date a machine?' - it's certainly riveting stuff for anyone into science and tech.
The Infinite Monkey Cage
Bringing science and humour together, The Infinite Monkey Cage is hosted by physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince. The show airs first on BBC Radio 4 before being uploaded in podcast form, and it's certainly one for true science lovers who fancy getting into the nitty gritty of particular topics. It's serious science talk, with a great sense of humour. Thanks to its clever delivery, it'll never feel like you're tuning in to a lecture.
Each episode (there are over 100 to date) homes in on a particular subject, mostly relevant and current scientific ideas. Depending on what's up for discussion, episodes last between half an hour to an hour, and a number of different panellists often join to add contributions.
'Artificial Intelligence', 'How to Build a Bionic Human' and 'The Science of Sleep' are brilliant episodes to kick off your 'Infinity Monkey Cage' addiction.
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