New iPhone 6 Retina Display to go Full HD
Back in 2010 when the iPhone 4 first launched, its Retina Display was one of the most impressive features on offer.
Rival smartphones could not match its 326ppi pixel density, which meant that it delivered unprecedented levels of clarity and detail.
However, three years down the line the Retina Display is not as impressive as it once was, having been comprehensively outclassed by the full HD 1080p screens found on high end Android-based competitors like the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Sony Xperia Z.
The Retina Display resolution has been bumped up to 640×1136 for the iPhone 5, but since this takes into account the larger four inch display, the pixel density is the same as it was for the iPhone 4 and 4S.
There have been rumours about the new iPhone 6, or the iPhone 5S as it may be eventually called, which suggest that it could finally be updated with a higher resolution Retina Display which matches the full HD capabilities of the competition.
If this is the case, the iPhone 6 display might take the pixel density crown once more because Apple is unlikely to break the 4 inch size barrier this time around.
But will Apple actually decide to make the next iPhone a full HD model and what technology with this display use?
Apple strategies
From a business point of view, it makes sense for Apple to step up to the plate and give the new iPhone an updated Retina Display, because if it fails to do this then the Android alternatives will only push further ahead over the next 12 months.
While a higher resolution makes little difference to the way the phone will behave, it could go well with the new iOS 7 interface which has already been showcased.
Display Hardware
It is thought that Apple could be relying on Japanese manufacturer Sharp to provide the display for the next iPhone, rather than rival Samsung or any of its other competitors.
The IGZO technology created by Sharp will allow for a resolution which is in the realms of full HD 1080p, or 1920×1080. But Apple’s love of custom resolutions could mean that it is not as close to the industry standard as expected.
Some rumours even imply that it could have twice the resolution than the iPhone 5S, which would be a real pixel density coup for Apple.
As the iPhone 6 release date creeps closer, Apple’s intentions should become more apparent and screen size and resolution will no longer be a mystery.