Photobomb Competition Results

Here at, we love a good photo opportunity. Regardless of how advanced your smartphone camera is however, there's often a lurker waiting to photobomb your perfect shot - sometimes by accident, and sometimes just for shenanigans.
Taking to Facebook, we decided to give away a free Google Pixel 3a handset to the best photobomb submitted in our recent comepetition which you can view here.
With so many hilarious entries to choose from, picking a single photo was a tough descision for our judges, but we eventially settled on a winner.
Scroll down to view the victiorious photobomber, as well as a selection of our other favourite submissions...
And the Winner is:
Tamara Jones
"Beautiful photo at Vicki's wedding and I have to ruin it."
Honourable Mentions:
Jade McKenna
"My sister Amba on a recent family holiday having a look around one of the show caravans... our 2 year old Jug Gizmo had no shame in photoboming the photo to show what he thought of the caravan!"
Naomi Cearns
"Maybe the man in the background thought I was photographing him not my son."
Debbie Hunter
"My son and I were photobombed by a banana! A BANANA!"
Gina Rita Nathan
"When we were on holiday in New York this man photo bombed my son and I, he didn't speak English but we told him to get into the picture on the right! It was so funny."
Craig Marc
"This is me holding my baby girl while my wife takes a picture of us at Edinburgh castle... And random guy who stopped for a pic."
Anil Markanday
"I try and grab a quick selfie at the Vatican. Completely spoilt by the wazzock in the bright red t-shirt doing something weird with his knees."
Gary Martin
"Getting a picture of my daughter and my son pokes out from behind the trees."
Christine Ann Wilson
"Peekaboo. We were taking a photo of our daughter and this happened. The giraffe pokes his head through the tree! She thought the giraffe was going to eat her."
Stephanie Coals
"Partying away the summer evenings and trying to get a nice photo only to be photo bombed by the guy in the background!"
Richard Olivier
"As I was photographing this monkey during a recent visit to Trentham Monkey Forest, this squirrel decided to pop his head up."
Sharon Elizabeth Mead
"Meet Joanne the photobombing Queen!"
Kristyn Harris
"No idea who this happy chappy is who ran past us as we were having a patriotic pic!"
John Clarke
"Im the photo bomber!! Me running the length of a football pitch to ruin one of my players having their photo taken by their parents after the kid had just won a trophy."
Tracey Roberts
"Photobombed by the pony when watching the red arrows."
Sarah Jane Cuttle
"Trying to get a cute photo of my son with his Nan my daughter decides to jump in."
Deanie Gillies
"Baby G selfie taking and being rudely photobombed by her bestie Lola the Short Haired German Pointer!"
Susan Pointon
"Tried to get a lovely shot of my friend and her wife cutting the cake after the wedding. Our other friend managed to photobomb every shot."
Shak Shariff
"Photobombed by... Myself!?!"