Running Time - How Netflix and Spotify Can Help You Burn Calories

Running Time - How Netflix and Spotify Can Help You Burn Calories

While it’s everyone’s best intention to keep fit and go to the gym regularly, our recent research indicates that British gymgoers struggle to motivate themselves whilst working out. However, help is at hand – and all you need is your smartphone.

Smartphone Gym Habits

We looked into the fitness attitudes of the British public, and revealed that while 82% of those surveyed exercise regularly, nearly half (48%) don’t use their smartphone or tech to supplement their fitness routine, despite 70% struggling to find motivation.

Although just a minority of these gymgoers are using their smartphone to supplement their fitness routine (23%), over a third of these that do said they listen to music to divert their attention whilst in the gym (36%). Additionally, one in seven (15%) watch tv/movies on their phone to distract themselves whilst working out.

To help gym goers with their motivation we joined forces with Andy Turner, former Olympic hurdler turned personal trainer at Andy Turner Fitness, to reveal how many calories could be burned if they were to exercise at a moderate pace for the duration of some of the top Netflix shows/Spotify albums from the last 12 months:

Netflix Running Time

Spotify Running Time

The research identified the top five music genres to listen to whilst working out are:

  1. Pop (22%)
  2. Dance (19%)
  3. Rock (18%)
  4. Classical (6%)
  5. Hip Hop (4%)

Smartphone Gym Benefits

Commenting on the benefits of watching a TV series/listening to music whilst in the gym, Andy Turner, said: “There are many benefits to watching a show or listening to music whilst working out. When you feel like you’re reaching that point of ‘I’m starting to get tired and can’t do any more’, that’s when your brain kicks in and wants you to stop and take a breather.

“Keeping your brain stimulated is key to tricking your body into pushing through the dreaded pain barrier, therefore I would thoroughly recommend watching a show/listening to music whilst working out.

"It's important to note that when working out, men typically lose weight/burn more calories than women because of physiological disparities. Men’s bodies are usually bigger and contain more muscle, therefore they will burn fat quicker due to these factors."

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